Macee Knecht


Metalsmithed jewelry, sculpture & Alcohol Ink Prints

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Macee Knecht


Metalsmithed jewelry, sculpture & Alcohol Ink Prints

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Artist / Number

Macee Knecht / 32

Tour Dates

October 19-20 || 26-27

Studio Address

13817 Florida Avenue Cresaptown MD 21502

Directions to Studio:

Follow GPS to location

I68 to 220 S to Cresaptown. Pass through 2 stop lights in Cresaptown. Make the 3rd RIGHT onto Wyoming. First immediate RIGHT onto Connecticut. First LEFT onto Florida. Go to the top of the street and the house will be on the RIGHT before the stop sign.

Studio space is through the large yard, and BEHIND the house in the RED buildings (one step up at the studio for ADA accessibility).